Sunday, November 21, 2010

Cleaning up terror with a prize catch


Cleaning up terror with a prize catch

Intelligence sources believe that they have nabbed the last remaining LTTE operative in Colombo

The Terrorist Investigations Division (TID) nabbed one of the Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam (LTTE’s) leaders recently. What was significant about this arrest was that it was the first post war arrest of a high profile Tiger operative in Colombo. This operative, with access to the highest rung of the Tiger leadership, had been responsible for the attempts to assassinate the President and the Defence Secretary and also other high ranking military officials. He had been the mastermind behind attempts to revive the remaining Tiger cadres dormant in and around the city. With this arrest, the TID believes that they have ultimately been successful in wiping out the last remaining activists in the city and suburbs.
By strictly following journalistic ethics, this column will not divulge some details regarding this arrest and certain details about the Tiger operative, as it may hamper ongoing investigations. For convenience, this column will refer to him as Sivam, though this is not his real name.
Sivam, a high profile LTTE leader who conducted his mission covertly, had been a Tiger operative, carrier of weapons and ammunition, transporter of suicide cadres and kits and was also the mastermind behind the planning of several attacks on certain key figures in the security establishment. He also cultivated several security personnel and had access to most of the important economic places because he spent million to corrupt and bribe officers manning them.  
Enter Sivam 
Sivam, had arrived in Colombo in March 2002, soon after the implementation of the Cease Fire Agreement (CFA) between the LTTE and the then government. The details of his arrival will not be discussed by this column as it had been similar to other Tiger arrivals into the city, as described earlier. Suffice it to say that Sivam too had gained access to Colombo by posing as a Muslim. Attired in Muslim garb he had arrived and set up residence in Colombo. He had made it a point to always carry a copy of the Muslim holy book or the Quran and had even attended prayers in mosques. He had also undergone circumcision, to ward off the ultimate suspicion.
Taking on the identity of a Muslim is probably easier as the two ethnic groups use Tamil as their mother tongue, albeit there are differences in dialect and accent according to the regions of habitation. It will be easier for a Tamil to impersonate a Moor than a Sinhalese.
Sivam too was a well trained cadre and had access to the highest in the organisation. A high profile Tiger, he is the only one in the city to have directly reported to LTTE intelligence wing leader Pottu Amman.  Sivam had been responsible for operating the Tigers’ intelligence network in and around Colombo. Though he was a native of Kilinochchi in the north, he had been mostly based in Colombo and was very familiar with the area.
The terrorist worms his way up
Sivam has a good personality. He dressed smartly and wore well polished shoes. He was also very fluent in all three languages, Tamil, Sinhalese and English. He learnt Sinhala from one of LTTE’s training bases and English from a recognised English institute. Sivam had built a very good rapport with a prominent businessman and he entertained businessman and others in five star hotels immediately after his arrival in Colombo at the beginning of the CFA. Pretending to be a peace lover he had collected whatever data available and relayed them back to his superiors in the north.
He had been living in a highly residential area of Colombo since his arrival. Once the CFA was abrogated by the incumbent government, Sivam had temporarily moved his residence to the suburbs. However, during the latter stages of fighting in the north, he had returned to Colombo and taken up residence in a luxury apartment paying per month Rs. 200,000 as rent. He led a luxury life, driving around in the latest model vehicles; all funded by the LTTE.
While thus engaged, he had been observing the modus operandi of the Sri Lankan Security Forces and Police, and had made sure to avoid arrest.  He had been on the registered household list in Colombo and managed to obtain identity cards with his Colombo address. He had masterminded the attack on the then Sri Lanka Army Commander Lieutenant General Sarath Fonseka (currently Chief of Defence Staff and full General). To mount the attack, Sivam had obtained accurate information on the Army Commander from none other than his own cook. Sivam had given instructions to one of his cadres to transport and harbour the suicide cadre.
Important targets
Sivam is one of the main LTTE terrorists who handled and coordinated suicide bombers, but his targets were missed because government intelligence gathering wings are stronger. Not only the Army Commander, he had also attempted to assassinate President Mahinda Rajapaksa, Defence Secretary Gotabhaya Rajapaksa and  several Ministers as well. He had planned, facilitated and attempted to carry out the attack, receiving direct instructions from LTTE intelligence head Pottu Amman himself, but had been unsuccessful.
During the height of the battle in the north, Pottu Amman had given Sivam specific instructions. He had told Sivam that even if the Tiger leadership is eliminated by the Sri Lankan military, overseas operatives would continue the struggle. Pottu Amman had also told him that the overseas cadres would keep in constant touch with him and for Sivam to follow instructions.
Sivam was the only terrorist to receive orders from Pottu Amman. He  had communicated  with the  then Vanni  leaders via e- mail and when there was an important message and he  had communicated to Pottu Amman  and  Rathnam  Master  and Charles’s on their satellite phones, he had to change his  mobile SIM and obtain an ID copy  from Wellawatte  communication centtrs. When any  person came to get a  photocopy, the operator of the photocopy machine used to get  additional copy and  keep them for Sivam  and  the rest  of the LTTE Intelligence cadres to get mobile phone connections.
TID breakthrough
The arrest of Sivam was yet another feather in the cap for the Sri Lankan intelligence services. From the moment that the TID received scant details of the suspect Tiger operative, they began 24 hour surveillance on him. They observed all his movements.
Slowly, yet steadily the TID detectives began building up evidence to prove the identity of the Tiger operative. They had received orders that Sivam should be taken alive, not to leave room for him to commit suicide, as alive, he would be invaluable. This made the sleuths extra cautious.
Once the Tiger cadre’s identity and mission became clear, the TID arrested him at a popular restaurant. Sivam, who frequented this restaurant, was enjoying a cup of coffee with a couple of sandwiches. A group of TID detectives who had been following him entered the restaurant and took up seats at an adjoining table. A female TID officer was among them and she seated herself where she had direct eye contact with Sivam. After a few minutes of friendly banter among them, the female TID officer glanced at Sivam and smiled.  Which male would not reciprocate a coy smile from a female? Sivam never suspected that these would be the persons who would spell his doom. He was confident that his cover was intact. And this over-confidence betrayed him.
The Sri Lankan intelligence officers were not recognisable as sleuths. They looked wealthy business persons having a carefree day out. Sivam returned the smile.
This happened a few times and one of the Intelligence officers took a few steps and looking at Sivam said, “You face looks familiar.” Sivam had introduced himself as a real estate businessman and invited the intelligence officer to join him with the others.
After some chit chat and coffee Sivam had excused himself to leave. The “business persons” too had said they would walk up to their vehicles with him. Still chatting like a long lost group of friends, they approached the car park. Unknowing to Sivam, the intelligence officers had parked their vehicles in such a manner that it would be difficult for him to beat a hasty retreat.
When Sivam, after bidding adieu to his new found friends, was about to open his car door, the sleuths smoothly moved in and pinning his hands behind, handcuffed him. A surprised and shocked Sivam did not know what hit him. They only said that he was being arrested for maintaining connections with the LTTE. Sivam had no opportunity either to bite his cyanide capsule or use a concealed weapon, if he had one.
So, now Sivam, perhaps the last of the top rung LTTE operatives in Colombo and its suburbs is being interrogated at a high security location. Based on information elicited from him, the TID  has been able to piece together most of the bizarre picture painted by Tiger claws in and around the capital.
In their attempt to thwart the LTTE intelligence network and to eradicate the menace of its suicide bombers, the Terrorist Investigation Unit (TID), the Directorate of Military Intelligence (DMI) and State Intelligence Services (SIS) officers work 24 hours through 365 days. Sri Lanka’s intelligence officers perform their tasks purely relying on their skills and talents.
In Iraq and Afghanistan, suicide bombers explode themselves almost on a daily basis. Although the security forces of the West do possess advanced technology, they are yet to find answer to thwart the suicide bombers in those regions. There is much that the Western countries could learn from Sri Lankan officers.
A high ranking intelligence officer said, “We are continuing our line of duty to crack down on any remaining terrorists. Intelligence is extremely important for the country’s security and stability.”

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